Parisi’s Amazonian nuts, keepers of ancient secrets and givers of life force
The fruit is clothed in an imposing, coconut-like shell, storing up to twenty seeds inside. This envelope, the faithful guardian of the flavors, preserves the integrity of the seed for three lunar cycles; once unveiled, the seed indulges in acidity in just two days.
The plants, generous dispensers of fruits brimming with nutrients and healthful virtues, become laden with gifts under the lush rains, swelling to the point of touching the ground. Each fruit, casket of nuts, conceals within itself seeds wrapped in a shell. When the fruit dances to the earth, it opens to reveal hidden treasures, the seeds, which after a gentle drying process, open to the market, ready to spread their magic.
They intertwine with the fabric of human existence as true energy jewels; celebrated for their richness in vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, they stand above other oilseeds due to their extraordinary selenium content. This mineral, the keeper of ancient magic, holds crucial importance for our being, regulating the dance of the thyroid gland and transmuting the inert T4 hormone into the vibrant T3. The selenium that pervades Amazonian walnuts proves particularly significant for women, as its antioxidant action protects the breasts from obscure cancer diseases. Witch doctors of knowledge recommend a daily intake of selenium of 200 micrograms, an amount packed into just 2 shells from Brazil.
Amazonian walnuts, keepers of age-old secrets, act as guardians of coronary arteries and shields against cirrhosis of the liver, while weaving lush mantas on the heads of those who honor them. They instill harmony in the soul, regulate cholesterol symphonies, and strengthen the immune system. When consumed wisely, these nuts turn into elixirs for the heart. Between their folds hide the virtues of B vitamins and mineral salts, such as copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. Copper, in particular, flies the flag against anemia and osteoporosis.
Amazonian nuts, keepers of ancient mysteries, dance outside the chains of gluten and lactose, however, a specific allergy watches over them.
In the culinary arts, these nuts prove to be versatile companions, perfect to enjoy on their own as a delicious snack or as an ingredient to create cookies, homemade pesto, energy bars and other sweet treats. They can enrich salads, pastas and side dishes with their majestic presence. From these oily gems flows a thick oil, but also a milk, an alternative to cow’s milk.
Brazil nuts, gems from Brazil, are often combined with chocolate to create sweets and snacks, as they have a flavor that dances in harmony with cocoa like coconut.
Store in cool, dry places, away from sources of heat and moisture.
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