Parisi shelled, roasted and peeled Giffoni IGP hazelnuts, 100% organic and natural essences.
Fruits of the hazel tree, hazelnuts dance in harmony with almonds, both clothed in vitamin E, guardians of wise phytosterols. These treasures contain benevolent fats, which in their benevolence applaud LDL cholesterol.
A hazelnut feast, a wise snack at dawn or dusk, defies preconceptions with its goodness. In the kitchen, these gems lend themselves to sweet and savory dances.
Since ancient times, hazelnuts have been celebrated for their nutritional, therapeutic and even prophetic virtues.
In the folds of 100 grams of hazelnuts resides the essence of 86 percent vitamin E, the skin’s guardian against the claws of ultraviolet rays and the chasing weather.
Ancient studies narrate that a regular banquet of hazelnuts (at least 25 g a day, 5 days a week) raises the flags of HDL (the good) cholesterol and lowers the darkness of total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides, waving victory over heart disease.
Among the nuances of this gift of the earth:
- Omega 3 and Omega 6 unsaturated fatty acids, guardians of inflammatory processes;
- Fiber, guides of the intestinal journey;
- Folic acid, guardian of serene pregnancies and healthy babies.
Store in cool, dry places, away from sources of heat and moisture.
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